(The World)- While our friends in the Southern Hemisphere are "simply messing around on their boats" in the height of "Mid-summer series" and having a ball, their northern neighbors are still feeling like they're either living in an icebox or on the verge of becoming Eskimos themselves. Nevertheless, since most all northern "winter" boatshows are indoors (other than SoCal & Florida), it's a great time to get out and socialize with friends and take a look at some of the latest J's that are making headlines around the globe. Here's a shortlist for you globe-trotting J sailors to consider visiting in the near future:
San Diego Sunroad Boat Show- from Jan 26-29, the southern California J/Dealer JK3 Yachts will be showcasing an exciting lineup of new boats at the upcoming San Diego Boat Show. Come by the show to see the J/95 and for info on the new J/70 – the latest hotrod from J/Boats. Please note, JK3 is hosting a reception on Sunday for J/Boat Owners, Fans and Friends as well. For more info contact JK3 at ph- 619-224-6200, email- jeff@jk3yachts.com or http://www.jk3yachts.com. For more Sunroad Boatshow information
Strictly Sail Chicago- from Jan 26-29 at Navy Pier- the J/111 on display is an example of the boat that dominated the two Mackinac Races this past year in 2011. Also, please visit J/105 Fleet 5- Lake Michigan at Booth #204E where J/105 fleet members will be happy to discuss with you the virtues of low-key, fun J/105 class participation. Please be sure to contact Richard Stearns at Stearns Boating- ph-312-994-9153 or email- rich@stearnsboating.com For more Chicago Strictly Sailboat Show information
Gothenburg Boatshow- from Feb 4-12- to be sure the J/108 will be displayed very comfortably indoors at the Gothenburg Show in Sweden! Come on in and enjoy classic Swedish hospitality in the most enjoyable surroundings one might possibly imagine- with healthy Swedish hostesses addressing any of the craziest questions one might ask as it relates to DSPL/L, BMax/ BWL, Sprit Extension/ SPL Midgirths and Prismatic Coefficients/ High VCG ratios. Please be sure to arrange for a personal tour with Henning Mittlesman- ph- 49-4642 2722/ info@mittelmannswerft.de/ www.JBoats.de For more Gothenburg Boatshow information
Boston/ New England Boatshow- from Feb 11-19 - on display comfortably in-doors in a wonderfully warm ambiance will be the Hill & Lowden display that will be showcasing the J/111. Please be sure to come by, convince them to give you a "lobster roll & beer"- contact Rich Hill and George Lowden at ph- 781-631-3313 or hilllowden@aol.com For more Boston Boat Show information

J/22, J/24, J/80 & J/105 Classes
(Newport, RI)- For those of you considering sailing in any European, North American or World Championships in the large J/One-Design classes like the J/22s, J/24s, J/80s and J/105s you should be thinking about keeping abreast of the latest developments in sails, speed techniques and tactics at the following events:
J/22 Midwinters- Feb 23-26- Houston YC, Houston, TX- http://www.j22mw.com
J/22 Worlds- Le Crouesty, France- Jun 26-29- Crouesty Arzon YC, Brittany, France
J/22 North Americans- Sep 11-14- Tawas Bay YC, E Tawas, MI- http://www.j22na.com/
J/24 Midwinters- Feb 11-15- Davis Island YC- Tampa, FL- http://www.diyc.org
J/24 Australian Nationals- Mar 9-12- Cruising Yacht Club of South Australia
J/24 Europeans- May 30-Jun 3- Club Nautico Arzachena, Arzachena, Italy
J/24 US Nationals- Jun 24-30- Dillon YC, Dillon, CO- http://www.j24nationals.com/
J/24 Worlds- Sep 13-21- Rochester YC, Rochester, NY- http://myyc.org/site/2012umgj24worlds/
J/24 North Americans- Nov 14-18- Florida YC, Jacksonville, FL- http://www.thefloridayachtclub.org/
J/80 Winter Circuit
Valentines Cup- Feb 11-12- US Sailing Center, Miami, FL
Bacardi Week- Mar 8-10- Coral Reef YC, Miami, FL
Biscayne Cup- Mar 24-25- US Sailing Center, Miami, FL
Charleston Race Week- Apr 19-22- Charleston Harbor Resort, Charleston, SC
J/80 Worlds- Jun 9-15- Royal Dart YC, Dartmouth, England- http://www.j80worlds2012.com
J/80 North Americans- Oct 31-Nov 4- Fort Worth Boat Club, Ft Worth, TX- http://fortworthboatclub.com
J/105 Midwinters- Mar 9-11- Lakewood YC, Houston, TX- http://www.j105mw.com
J/105 North Americans- Oct 17-21- San Diego YC, San Diego, CA- http://www.j105nac.com/
Also, for some amazing J/24 shots at the past J/24 Aussie Nationals, check out "Paparazzi.com.au"

Give the Crew the LOVE they Deserve!
(Newport, RI)- For 2012 we've got the answer for all your scheduling and crew needs, another spectacular J/Sailing Calendar that fits onto any office, kitchen or dormitory wall. This large format, easy-to-use sailing calendar helps keep all your regattas organized. Plus, it's great for keeping your friends and crew organized, too! A great gift for anyone, one that reminds them of how much you LOVE them 24x365 this year! See the J/Calendar and order now!!

The Sun Never Sets on J's Sailing Worldwide
The end of January saw the wrap-up of some excellent racing in the Silver Anniversary (25th edition) of the Quantum Key West Race Week for the 119 boats that participated this year. The conditions were nearly "post-card perfect" with warm, sunny days and gentle breezes from the easterly quadrants. The J/80s celebrated a terrific Midwinter Championship and the newly created J/Class with Time-on-Time handicapping in PHRF was well-received by the sailors- the racing was incredibly tight and tactical. Down Under, the J/122 and the J/111 were doing their thing, one off Perth/ Western Australia showing the big boys how it's done with a family crew, the other celebrating the start of the New Year in the shadows of the famous Sydney Opera House and bridge. In Europe, things were starting to heat-up for the J/80s, with racing and training programs getting underway in La Trinite Sur Mer, France as well as Santander, Spain. Across the English Channel (a.k.a. "La Manche"), the British sailors were enjoying spring-like sailing conditions in the first sailing series of the year, the Royal Southampton YC Frostbite Series on the northern part of the Solent.Read on! The J/Community and Cruising section below continue to enjoy the Caribbean and the South Pacific, staying warm while others are trying to stay warm up north. Check them out! More importantly, if you have more J/Regatta News, please email it or upload onto our J/Boats Facebook page! Below are the summaries.
Regatta & Show Schedules:
Jan 26-29- Strictly Sail Chicago (J/111)- Chicago, IL- http://www.strictlysailchicago.com/Jan 26-29- Sunroad Boatshow (J/95)- San Diego, CA- more Sunroad Boatshow information
Jan 27- Feb 5- Seattle Sailboat Show- Seattle, WA- http://www.seattleboatshow.com
Feb 4-12- Gothenburg Boatshow (J/108)- Gothenburg, Sweden- http://www.batmassan.se
Feb 11-15- J/24 Midwinters- Davis Island YC- Tampa, FL- http://www.diyc.org/
Feb 11-19- Boston Boatshow (J/111)- Boston, MA- http://www.neboatshow.com/
Feb 16-20- Miami Boatshow- Miami, FL- http://www.miamiboatshow.com/
Feb 17-19- St Petersburg NOOD Regatta- St Pete, FL- http://www.sailingworld.com/nood-regattas
Feb 23-26- J/22 Midwinters- Houston YC- Houston TX- http://www.j22mw.com/
Mar 2-10- J/24 Regata Copa de Mexico- Puerto Vallarta, Mexico- http://j24mex.com/copa_mexico/
Mar 9-11- J/105 Midwinters- Lakewood YC- Houston, TX- http://www.j105mw.com
Apr 12-15- StrictlySail Pacific (J/111)- Oakland, CA- http://www.strictlysailpacific.com/
Apr 19-22- Newport Beach Boatshow (J/111)- Newport Beach, CA- http://newportinwaterboatshow.com
For additional J/Regatta and Event dates in your region, please refer to the on-line J/Sailing Calendar.

(Rockingham, Western Australia)- The 54th annual Cockburn Sound Regatta was sailed in fantastic conditions off Rockingham, Western Australia from December 26 to 30, 2011. The six race format consisted of three windward-leeward and three “around the buoys” courses including one 34nm passage race. Division 1 IRC entries ranged from a Marten 49 to a Beneteau 34.7. The J/122 LITHIUM performed consistently with three first placings to clinch the win (on countback).
The coolest part about LITHIUM's success? It was primarily an all-family affair, with all the crew sleeping on-board the moored boat during the regatta-- highlighting the dual nature of these superb racer/cruisers!
The Monkhouse family team of Graeme and Heather, plus their two teenage sons, was supplemented by another teenager to round out the crew of only five people. Said Graeme about their family team, "Although relatively short-handed the enthusiastic crew performed brilliantly, including a flawless asymmetric kite peel to a code zero!" Fantastic. The stuff of legends. Yet another "David & Goliath" story for the record books-- one that proud J/122 owners seemingly do on a routine basis!

J/122 TEAMWORK Wins PHRF A/ J-Class & LE TIGRE Wins J/80 Midwinters
(Key West, FL)- It was a frantic finish for the 119 entrants at Quantum Key West 2012 as several boats snatched victory with strong performances on the final day. It was a fitting end to the 25th Silver Anniversary Edition of Key West. As usual, Key West delivered on an almost picture-perfect "postcard" week of sailing. The weather conditions provided a challenge for all over the course of the five days and the creme d'la creme rose to the top in every class.

Rounding out the top five in PHRF A behind TEAMWORK in 1st and MENTAL in 2nd was Bill Sweetser's Annapolis, MD based team on the J/109 RUSH in fourth and Doug Curtiss's New England/ Buzzards Bay team on the J/111 WICKED 2.0 in fifth.

In the final analysis, perhaps what was most interesting about this year's 25th Silver Edition of Key West was to see the dominance of J sailors past and present who've risen to the top in other racing classes at Key West Race Week. As the primary winter sailing event worldwide for many leaders in the sailing industry, for sailing professionals and for top amateur teams, its quite remarkable to see how many of them are alumni of the larger J/One-Design classes; proving yet again that many of the world's best sailors (legendary, famous sailors at that) have "gone to school" learning the ropes of sailboat racing on a "J". Examples abound across the spectrum of the fleets.
In the Farr 40s, Jim Richardson (Newport, RI) raced J/24s for years, proving that he's still got it to race at the top of the game, winning the Farr 40 class in BARKING MAD. "I wasn't too optimistic that we could win the regatta after what happened in that second race, but we just had to keep sailing with the understanding that every point was crucial," Richardson said. "We got better as the week went along and everything just sort of fell into place at the end." In other words, exactly what any good J/24 sailor would do to win.
It was a similar story in Farr 30s as skipper Deneen Demourkas (Santa Barbara, CA) and the GROOVERDERCI crew compiled an entire line of bullets. Deneen has raced J/105s with her husband "Johnnie D" for years in Santa Barbara, California on-board their J/105 ROCKIN & GROOVIN and learned the nuances of what it takes to get around the race track while minimizing mistakes and going fast, not the least of which why it's so important to have a good crew!

In the Farr 400s, the top boat RED sailed by Joe Woods and Paul Goodison are all former J/24 UK sailors. And the rest of the fleet was dominated by top J/24 and J/105 sailors across the board, Eric Arndt from California was tactician on BLADE, Nick Turney from Ohio was tactician on SPACEMAN SPIFF, Mark Foster from Texas was calling the shots on MERIDIAN X and Kevin Miller from California was directing traffic on TEAM PREMIERE NORCAL!
In the High Performance Class, past J/24 Champion Larry Leonard (Annapolis, MD) was tactician on second place STRAY DOG. And, former J/105 owner Patrick Eudy replaced one infamous BIG BOOTY with another "bigger BOOTY", sailing well enough to capture third.

(Santander, Spain)- One of the world's top J/80 fleets is at it again. When the Santander J/80 fleet gets rolling in early January on the spectacular northern shores of Spain, it not only marks the start of the J/80 sailing season in Spain, it is also an opportunity for the newer J/80 teams to test themselves against some of the world's best sailors.
The first trophy event of the season for the Santander J/80s is the Trofeo Bodegas Maximo Bolado, an event that runs for over four weekends and attracts many of Spain's top J/80 sailors from other fleets- the depth of talent in the twenty-eight boat fleet is simply breath-taking!
The first weekend saw two very tough races sailed in beautiful spring weather. The day started slowly with a postponement, but by 1500 hours the wind began to blow from the northwest about eight knots. The race course was set south of the navigation channel in the area known as "The Moors", making for tough tactical decisions regarding both current and wind as the breeze kept veering in an oscillating-persistent scenario further Northeast.
In the first race, the favored side of the line was the port "pin" end, but the wind shifted to the right so much that the entire fleet arrived in a very compact package at the first windward mark. Setting the standard by leading at the first windward mark was Pichu Torcida's J/80 World Champion team on ECC VIVIENDAS followed by Paco Cospedal skippering WIND and OPTICA CENTRALE sailed by Julia Casanueva. On the first downwind leg, ECC VIVIENDAS managed to escape clear and held first place throughout the race. It was a very tough fight behind them for the next few positions. In the end, GO FIT sailed by David Madrazo finished 2nd, followed by Toño Piris' YATES Y COSAS in 3rd, FONESTAR (Jaime Piris) in 4th and OPTICA CENTRALE with Fernando Pereda at the helm in 5th. J/80 World Champion Ignacio Camino on NEXTEL ENGINEERING was 6th.
The second race was much more complicated. It was a "black flag" start with three boats sent home! The wind kept shifting and was full of holes, making for complex decisions related to current as well. In the end, A&G PRIVATE BANKING sailed by Tono Ribalaygua won their first race of the season. FONESTAR was second, followed by GO FIT, ECC VIVIENDAS and MATRAKO to round out the top five.
The leading trio is very tight with ECC VIVIENDAS and GO FIT at the top of the standings with 5 points each and FONESTAR is third with one more. Then, in a tie for fourth is YATES Y COSAS and Paco Cospedal's WIND with 13 points each. For more Trofeo Bodegas Máximo Bolado sailing information

Sailing Southampton Winter Series
(Southampton, England)- The Royal Southampton YC started its Doyle Sails Frostbite Series on the 8th January. The first racing in the Solent of 2012 started early this year but with the warm dry weather continuing it felt more like a spring day . The wind was a gentle 5 knots from the west which caused consternation for the race management team just before the start by dying away to a little over 3 knots. Postpone or not to postpone that was the question. It did appear that the start line was in the light spot and the rest of the race area seemed solid so start they did.
There were 30 boats on the water out of an entry of 33 which was an excellent start to the series and perhaps an indication of how good the weather was. The class 1 IRC were 1st away and as always the start was competitive and there was an OCS who quickly restarted before the beat from Hover 1 across to the Hythe ship buoys, the course then running back to Hover 1 before a return to Hythe and then a short reach to the finish at Bird Pile. Class 2 IRC were up next and had a clean start before their beat to the same mark although the run was shorter to a laid mark to the west of Hover 1. Finally the J class for J92’s and J80 were away but they too were over enthusiastic and there was an OCS.
In Class 1, J-DREAM, David & Kirsty Apthorp’s new J/111 finished 2nd, just 27 sec behind the leader. Stuart Hawthorn's J/80 J'AI DEUX AMOURS won by 9 sec over JAMIN, John Cooper and Ian Townsend’s J/92. So it is close racing indeed.
With the wind slowly building to the low teens but steady in the West race 2 was quickly under way on the same course . This time they were all well behaved and clean starts were had by all. This time it was the J/111 J-DREAM who won Class 1 taking "all the chocolates". Currently, J-DREAM's 3-1-1 is leading the class for the series. Class 4 was won by BOJANGLES, Richard Sainsbury’s J/92s. However, Stuart Hawthorn's J/80 J'AI DEUX AMOURS is leading the series with a 1-2-1. For more Royal Southampton Frostbite Series sailing information

Mind-blowing Australia New Year's Experience on-board JAKE
(Sydney, Australia)- New Year's Day. Australia. One of first nations on Earth to celebrate the New Year. It is a fact. Peter Gustafsson flew down to Sydney, Australia to not only "test sail" the J/111 Down Under, but joined Ray and Sandra Entwistle and family on the J/111 JAKE for New Year's festivities.

(Capetown, South Africa)- It seems that a bunch of fun-loving sailors in South Africa decided that some of the bigger J's might be good offshore boats for the gear-busting conditions often seen of the tip of South Africa. In recent years, both a J/105 and a J/133 have shown up on the local racing scene and have been enjoying themselves often as leaders of the pack. We recently got a heart-warming note from one of our J/105 owners, Dwayne Assis, proud owner of J/105 #591 called PANTS ON FIRE! Here's Dwayne's story:

My crew of 3 and I sailed the J/105 from Cape Town round Cape Point (my first rounding) in very pleasant weather (thank goodness) a few days before the regatta. First J/105 rounding the notorious Cape of Storms? I certainly think so!
We competed in a return race from Simon’s Town to Cape Town after the Spring Regatta and completed the course in 6 hours 16 min beating into a mild South-easterly to the Point and enjoying a marvelous run all the way to Cape Tow-- broaching spectacularly under masthead A2 on the finish line as the South-easterly wind crept up to 35 kts! We finished 4th on club handicap behind the J/133 (1st) an Archambault 35 (2nd) and a Beneteau 44.7 (3rd) beating a Simonis 42, Farr 40, Lavranos 52 and some others.

Keep up to date with the event and the Royal Cape Yacht Club sailing scene at http://www.rcyc.co.za. Please note, our resident photographer Trevor Wilkins has a sailing photo collection here.
Regards from Sunny South Africa! Dwayne"

First England 2012, Then France 2013
(La Trinite Sur Mer, France)- As their Spanish counterparts are ramping up their sailing and training schedules, the French J/80 Class are doing the same in La Trinite, Lorient and other ports around the French coastline. No question the top French teams have in their sights top 10 finishes (or better) at this year's J/80 Worlds in Dartmouth, England and later in the 2013 J/80 Worlds in France.
The first event called the ARNO SKIPPER is now also a Sport Boat Regatta in La Trinite sur Mer. Leading up to the famous monster spring event called SPI Ouest Regatta, there will be five training weekends for any French J/80s wishing to participate. The dates are: January 28/29, then February 11/12 and 25/26, then 10/11 and 24/25 March.
These training programs are being organized on the following basis: on-the-water sailing, racing, speed-testing, boat-handling and so forth followed by a de-briefing in the evening with video, photos and questions/answers with the top sailors (tactical, strategy, weather, boat-settings, etc). If you want to get your J/80 team up-to-speed very, very quickly, then participation in these training weekends will be the best investment of time and resources you can possibly make!
For further J/80 training/ sailing information, please contact- Arnaud Walter- ph- 06 69 58 21 21 or arnoskipper@yahoo.fr For more J/80 France sailing information
What friends, alumni and crew of J/Boats are doing worldwide

* Kid Leadership!? Seven years ago, if you had told Jahn Tihansky, owner J/ World Annapolis, that he would be the head coach of the U.S Naval Academy (USNA) varsity offshore sailing team, he would have told you that you were nuts. With a sailing school to run, he wasn't exactly looking for work - certainly not the kind which would consume 60 or 70 hours per week in sailing season. But, opportunity knocked.
After much debate, as well as some prodding from Annapolis sailor Gary Jobson, (who's a "rainmaker," says Tihansky), who assured him that it was the opportunity of a lifetime, the business owner had to quickly find a way to make his school run without him and immerse himself into his new challenging post. Six years later, Coach T, as the midshipmen call him, is still surprised at his good fortune and how well the pieces have come together.
A native of Tampa, FL, Tihansky's family joined the Davis Island YC "because it had a pool." Curiosity and courage enough to hitch a ride on a Cal 27 at the age of 12 led him deep into the sport. "The crew figured out that I'd do anything on the boat from open beers to set the spinnaker, so they taught me to sail," he says, which opened the door to yacht deliveries and many years of interesting racing experiences such as the 1978 Key West to Cuba Race.
After having run his own Sobstad loft as a young man and a stint at Sobstad's corporate headquarters in Connecticut, Tihansky moved to Annapolis where he worked for Sobstad for four years before his opportunity to run J/World Annapolis and in 1993, to buy the sailing school.
It was his brainchild, the J/World big boat winter training program - during which students would train for and successfully compete in big regattas such as the Fort Lauderdale to Key West Race and Key West Race Week - that fit the type of coaching experience USNA was seeking.
What makes the USNA offshore sailing team unique is that beyond winning sailboat races, participation on the team counts as professional leadership development. "Other sports just can't compare to a kid leading a team of seven to prepare a big boat to go to Bermuda or even down the Bay," says Tihansky, who says that coaches are on the boats as mentors, but the team runs the boat.
"It's a huge responsibility to learn to take care of an asset and take care of teammates. In the tough situations, that's when your character comes out - you're puking and cold. It's 2 a.m., and you're called on watch. The crew must perform. They have to drive, trim sails, navigate, and compete. We do sail to sail well." -- The Stern Scoop from APS Ltd, read on.

“We’re in a big fundraising stage for our team, so this a fantastic boost for us,” said Barnhill, adding that it was Villanova’s first time attending the event and that it certainly lived up to its reputation as the world’s largest, if not most exciting, college regatta. Over 400 collegiate sailors from across the country raced on the placid waters of Long Island Sound off Larchmont, N.Y. They sailed on 47 offshore boats, which were lent for the weekend by private owners. The boats ranged in size from 35 to 44 feet.
“The cameras really brought everyone together; you saw a lot of people come forward to share their creative ideas with each other,” said Barnhill. “Looking back, the level of footage that we got to work with was fantastic because we had cameras in so many different places. It is impossible to be at every spot and to capture all the shots, but because we had all those cameras we were able to document the whole event.”
Once the regatta had concluded, the footage, which totaled over 50 hours, was uploaded to a server, and each team was challenged to turn the collective work into a short video that would best capture the atmosphere of the event. “The video that Villanova submitted not only met the criteria of the contest, but it was a superior effort that will serve to show what this regatta is all about and help the Storm Trysail Foundation and Larchmont Yacht Club build interest in the event,” said IOR Regatta Chairman Adam Loory.
“We will definitely run the contest again in the future,” Loory added. “Having cameras on all the boats and in the hands of so many different shooters let us cover the regatta so much better than just one or two professional photographers, and we have a lot of good footage that was left on the cutting room floor, so to speak, that we will be able to use in other projects.” To watch the winning sailing video, click here.

The J Cruising Community

* The J/42 JARANA continues their epic voyage around the Pacific. Continue to read about Bill and Kathy Cuffel's big adventure cruising the South Pacific headed for New Zealand. Their blog is here: http://www.svjarana.blogspot.com/
* Prolific writers, Bill and Judy Stellin, sailed their J/42 JAYWALKER around the Mediterranean and Europe and back across the Atlantic for nearly three years. Their blogs/journals can be found at- http://blog.mailasail.com/jaywalker. The earlier journals have been compiled into two self published books which can be found at: http://www.blurb.com. Search for "SEATREK: A Passion for Sailing" by Bill Stellin or William Stellin." UPDATE- Just a short note to update from Bill- "Our cruise began in May of 2000 and ended in May of 2008, some 8 years later. I have just finished and published my third and final book covering the last three or so years including our double handed crossing in 16 days and one winter in the Caribbean. Like the others, "Sea Trek- A Passion for sailing- Book III," can be found at www.blurb.com. Thanks, Bill and Judy"

* Several J/160 owners are island hopping across the world's oceans, fulfilling life long dreams to cruise the Pacific islands, the Caribbean islands, the Indian Ocean and all points in between. Anyone for Cape Horn and penguins?? Read more about their adventures and escapades (like our J/109 GAIA, J/42s PAX and JAYWALKER and J/130 SHAZAM friends above).
- SALACIA, the J/160 owned by Stephen and Cyndy Everett has an on-going blog describing some of their more amusing experiences (http://www.salacia1.blogspot.com).
- Bill and Susan Grun on the J/160 AVANTE are also sailing in the Pacific archipelago, read more about their great adventures on their blog (http://web.me.com/susangrun). Read about their latest adventures as they've gotten to New Zealand- "Avante Cruises the Pacific".
- Eric and Jenn on the J/160 MANDALAY also sailed the Pacific archipelago, read more on their blog at http://www.sailmandalay.com. Eric and Jenn are J/World alumni took MANDALAY up and down the West Coast (Mexico, CA)

* The J/109 GAIA (seen right in the Java Sea) was sailed by Bob Riggle and Phyllis Macay around the world. In February 2011, their cruising adventures came to an abrupt, sad ending. As a tribute to them and their cruising friends worldwide, we hope their chronicles on their GAIA website remains a tribute to their warm-hearted spirits- read more about why many loved them dearly and will remain touched by their loving spirit forever- http://www.gaiaworldtour.net/
Featured Boats
J/108 Ready To Cruise in Florida!J/Boats' modern new shoal performance cruiser/ racer, the J/108, had a great introduction at the Annapolis Boat Show and is now available for demo sails in Florida along it's fabled West Coast near Naples and San Marco Island.
To learn more about the J/108, J/Boats' latest high-performance 35 foot shoal-draft cruiser, please contact: Craig Crossley @ CrossCurrent Marine- cell 401-330-6135 or email- craig@crosscurrentmarine.com to schedule an appointment and learn more about this stunning new J - luxuriate in her Ultra-Leather interior, enjoy her enormous cockpit and find out how you can broaden your cruising horizons with just 4.0 feet of draft! Plus, you'll love her lively performance.
To learn more about this particular J/108, please take a look at the listing here on Yachtworld.com. Sailing photo credits- Billy Black